Eating Peace Basics HOME STUDY: 8 stressful beliefs/myths to question to eat in peace

Eating Peace Basics will take you through 8 sessions held live with a small group, to investigate and discover peace with food, eating and body image. Each session covers a specific foundational "story" to question. Shift your eating patterns, end your eating wars.

  • 44 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Money Is Love

Difficult relationship with money or other peoples' money? Question your thinking, change your experience with money.

  • 1 Video

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 1 File

Cravings Lab: Question your thoughts, change your cravings

A live interactive session in The Work on cravings with a small group of inquirers. You'll write a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet (identify your thoughts) to look deeply at cravings, then you'll witness The Work: 4 questions and finding turnarounds.

  • 1 Video

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Mini Workshop: Question Your Thinking, Change Your World Step-by-Step

Follow a guided step-by-step process of identifying a situation, learning how to write down your honest thoughts about it, and then take it to inquiry.

  • 4 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Eating Peace Process 2022-2023

Eating Peace Experience is a deep-dive program in healing off-balance eating (of any kind) from the inside out using the power of self-inquiry and connection. We tap into a new identity: a peaceful eater.

  • 135 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 2 Worksheets

  • 2 Files

Eating Peace Experience 2024

Eating Peace Experience is a deep-dive program in healing off-balance eating (of any kind) from the inside out using the power of self-inquiry and connection. We tap into a new identity: a peaceful eater.

  • 40 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Spring Retreat: Relationship Hell to Heaven

  • 5 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 5 Files

Eating Peace Recorded LIVE Mini Workshop

This workshop offers a powerful perspective allowing us to see our eating with compassion and kindness. Through this awareness, eating naturally shifts into greater balance, safety and peace. What you need is not missing or gone, this can help you see it again.

  • 4 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Living With Money with Todd Smith & Grace Bell

Join Todd Smith and me, along with a group of 8 participants, to take a deep dive into stories about money. Discover the peace and abundance available, and turn stressful money-thinking around.

  • 15 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 3 Worksheets

  • 9 Files

LIVE Eating Peace Basics: Spring 2023

Eating Peace Basics will take you through 8 sessions held live with a small group, to investigate and discover peace with food, eating and body image. Each session covers a specific foundational "story" to question. Shift your eating patterns, end your eating wars.

  • 51 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 1 File

Mini Workshop I Did It Wrong: Question the problem of yourself

Dive into The Work of Byron Katie on the Underlying Belief in Wrongness--especially of ourselves

  • 17 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Eating Peace Experience 2021-2022

A deep live immersion in self-inquiry for eating peace, thinking peace--for everyone suffering from eating wars, thinking wars.

  • 103 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 2 Files

Mini-Workshop: How to End Emotional Eating Using Self-Inquiry and Re-Discover Your Natural Eating Peace

Question your thinking, change your eating. Three steps to understanding eating wars, and eating peace.

  • 16 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 2 Files

EPIC Eating Peace 101

EPIC is an ongoing live group that meets regularly for inquiry and practice in eating peace. For everyone wanting freedom from off-balance eating and eating wars. This short course is included for anyone who joins EPIC, even for one month.

  • 6 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

Change Your Mind in Seven Steps: The Work of Byron Katie from Start to Finish

A free course in the Work of Byron Katie, step-by-step from start to finish.

  • 8 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 1 Worksheet

  • 0 Files