Eating Peace Experience From The Inside Out

Live virtual program in Eating Peace. We break the chains between stress and food, cravings and binge eating, body image and disappointment. Change the internal conversation from war, to peace.

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Permanent freedom arises from the inside out, not from consuming endlessly more information. No matter how far down the road to insanity you've gone with eating, peace is here for you.


Ready? Let's do this, together.

Eating Peace Experience Includes:

Finally finding what we've been looking for...

I was trying to help myself but I didn’t know how to do this in a loving way. This appears to be the path! Thank you for all of your help on my journey of healing and self-love, Grace.

Eating Peace Process was the first time I am aware of feeling peaceful inside.

It feels amazing to have made so much progress. I feel incredibly clear and confident and on a wonderful path. The truth is that it’s a multiyear journey.

During the program, I lost almost 15 lbs, and haven’t gained it back. I’ve stopped worrying about food, I eat everything and anything, no longer compulsively, outside of extremely rare occasions.

Before I joined the eating peace Intensive I was in tears and I was mortified. I'm not anymore. I came in thinking this would be a weight loss program and it is, and it isn’t. I am at peace now. I'm not completely happy with my body (yet) but I have the tools to practice. I am changed.

I feel like I could do the work on the exercises and images that came up for the rest of my life. I actually watched it in two sittings, stopping between writing the turn-arounds to the actions that undermine peaceful eating and investigating the worst things. Thank you, thank you.

In intending to watch the videos, even now I have the familiar feeling of being sooo scared. I feel tears coming to my eyes. I am so grateful for your work…which has put into words what I am, and what I have experienced. Tears of gratitude for your open and honest sharing

I have read CBT books and worked with nutritionists but neither of these methods addressed in detail the intense emotions and intricate thought processes that your videos mention – and which resonate with my personal experience. T hank you for trying to help people like myself as we navigate the why behind what is happening.

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